torstai 1. toukokuuta 2014

Walk on the trashy beach

After a short break down in Hikkaduwa me and my boyfriend were driving back home to Colombo. We decided to take a break and have a walk on the beach. I think this beach was in Induruwa. There was few hotels in sight but the beach was just a mess. Plastic crap laying all over the place. Even though it was in poor condition, I enjoyed our exploration. You can't imagine how many lighters or toothbrushes you can find on the beach!!

Fishing boat 

Half a dolphin

In the middle of all that trash, sea turtles come to lay their eggs.

Trash becomes art.
But why? Why so many toothbrushes on the beach?

Proud founder of the 20th toothbrush :)

Next time I'm off to explore new beaches, I shall carry trash bag with me. Surely I will take weird pictures before cleaning job!